
Apartment Gaga

Just one week ago, I completed my interior design module over a time span of half a semester. Never looked back! In case you're wondering what I'm doing as a business student, my polytechnic allows us to take up certain modules that's completely irrelevant to my course of study.

I have always loved designing, drawing and customizing so the module was for me. Interior design is like playing Sims 3 on a whole new level - you get to customize every single inch of your apartment and furniture to the way you want it.

The final assessment of the module was to design an apartment for Lady Gaga. Here's what I came up with!

A very fake looking 2-D Gaga in her living room waving Hi.

I assumed Lady Gaga is not a good cook....so that explains all that booze!

"She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on in the glass of her boudoir." 
*so proud of my work*

I'm nowhere close to pro la okay. So fascinated with how advanced computers are right now. You don't have to be a designer to create a model of your room with Google Sketch Up. All the furniture (and Lady Gaga figure) are pre-made and readily available for download!

Meanwhile, I'm finally getting my name card ready...printing it tomorrow!